Independent. Personalized. Fiduciary.

Bluebird Wealth Management


Bluebird Wealth provides a highly personalized investment experience with direct access to your portfolio manager. As a Fee-Only Fiduciary, we believe individual stocks and bonds should form the core of most investors’ portfolios, not a mix of pooled investment products. This allows us to avoid unnecessary costs and customize your strategy for any combination of growth, protection or cash flow, always considering your personal tax situation.

Bluebird Wealth Management


Bluebird Wealth’s Fee-Only Financial Planning service is intended for people seeking objective advice or guidance on their personal finances, without a need for ongoing portfolio management. We believe in providing a flexible service model to help you make informed decisions about your finances, no matter what stage of life you are in. This can involve building a complete financial plan or providing occasional guidance for the DIY investor.
Bluebird Wealth Management


Our Comprehensive Fee-Only service will include customized portfolio management, tax planning, estate & gift planning, retirement planning and the ability to work with other trusted advisors. We understand the importance of a cohesive approach and encourage collaboration with your insurance agent, attorney or CPA. When we combine ongoing portfolio management with proactive financial planning, we uncover more opportunities to improve your financial picture.


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To Access Your Investment Account

Select the Login button below to access your Bluebird Wealth Managed Account at Charles Schwab. For online support, please contact your Charles Schwab service team at:
(800) 515-2157

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To Access Your Investment Account

Select the Login button below to access your Bluebird Wealth Managed Account at Zoe Financial (Apex). For online support, please contact your Zoe Financial service representative.

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To Access Your Financial Planning Profile

Select the Login button below to access your Personal Financial Planning Portal. Please feel free to contact your Bluebird Wealth Advisor with any specific questions regarding this service.

Bluebird Wealth Management, LLC

Bluebird Wealth Management

Metrowest Office

(508) 359-4349
266 Main St.
Suite 19B
Medfield, MA 02052

North Shore Office

(978) 775-1287
12 Oakland St. 
Suite 308
Amesbury, MA 01913

We serve individuals and families throughout the United States.

Bluebird Wealth Management, LLC

Bluebird Wealth Management

Metrowest Office

266 Main St.
Suite 19B
Medfield, MA 02052
+1 (508) 359-4349

North Shore Office

12 Oakland St.
Suite 308
Amesbury, MA 01913
+1 (978) 775-1287

We serve individuals and families throughout the United States.